Steps to Install

Steps to Install

The section below explains how to install the Catalog Craft AI on your BigCommerce store.

  • To install the BigCommerce App, click the link (
  • Search the marketplace for the [Kensium Open AI] app.
  • You will have two options after downloading this program.

    • Sign Up
    • Log In
  • If you are new to BigCommerce, you must [Sign Up] with your credentials.
  • If you have the credentials for BigCommerce, use them to [log in].
Select the one of the options
Select the one of the options
  • On Sign Up you need to launch the [Kensium Open AI] in [MY APPS].
  • Click on [Launch].
Click on Launch
Click on Launch

Upon launching the app, you will be redirected to the following screen with below options on the screen.

  • Configuration
  • Product Content
  • Logs
Kensium OpenAI
Kensium OpenAI