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Dynamic Merchandising

Dynamic Merchandising

  • To access [Dynamic Merchandising], you must enable the check box for [Dynamic Merchandising], under CommercePro Features.
  • Click on [Save].

The Impacted areas for Dynamic Merchandising are below.

  • Item Class
  • Stock Items
  • Non-Stock Items

You need to search for Item Classes in Global search bar and click on [Item classes] under [Preferences].

Item Classes
Item Classes
  • Search for [Class ID].
  • Click on [Attributes] tab and assign [Row] and [Column] position to [Attribute ID].
  • The created [Class ID] will display under Item Class in Stock and Non-stock items screen.
Item Classes
Item Classes
  • Click on [Merchandising Section] tab you can view the selected row and column position you have given to this specific Attribute ID will be displayed here.
  • You must provide [Section Numbers] for the Attributes in the [Merchandising Section] this helps to identify the different sections and provide [Section sort Order] this refers to the arrangement in which sections are displayed.
Merchandising section
Merchandising section