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KIT Specifications

KIT Specifications

  • You need to create a Kit item in [Kit Specifications] under [Profiles] in [Inventory].
  • Create [Inventory ID].
  • Click on [+] icon.
  • Select the [Component ID].
  • Enter the [Quantity].
  • Select [Type] from the drop-down menu.

    • Fixed Price
    • Calculated Price
  • If you select [Fixed Price] then a new price field (non-editable) field will be shown and display the price of that Kit item from the Stock items screen.

Kit Specifications
Kit Specifications

Stock Items
Stock Items

  • The [Default price] for stock items Wrench.
Stock Items
Stock Items
  • The Default price for stock items Screw drive.
Stock Items
Stock Items
  • [Component Quantity*Default price] will be used to calculate Fixed prices.
  • The [Price] Field will show the total of the parent item and two Child items and the same will be reflected in the stock items because of the automation schedulers.
  • If the [Price] is not updating, navigate to left side panel of [Acumatica] select [CommercePro], and then select [Refresh Kit Price Process] under [Processes].
  • You must enable the Radio Button.
  • Click on [PROCESS ALL].
Stock Items
Stock Items
  • In stock items the default price will be the total of the parent item and two Child items.
Stock Items
Stock Items
  • If you choose the [Calculated Price] option two additional fields, [Price] and [Percentage], will appear.
  • Percentage: You can modify the percentage value, which is set by default to [100].
  • Price: Using the provided percentage, the system computes the specifications and shows the resultant price. I. e (Price of Stock Specification + Price of Child Items) * percentage
Calculated Price
Calculated Price
  • You can enter any [%]; the system will compute and display the result in the [Price] Field depending on the specified percentage.
Calculated Price
Calculated Price
Calculated Price Default Price
Calculated Price Default Price