Configuring KNCentralizedLicenseConsole

Configuring KNCentralizedLicenseConsole

Centralized License Console, a potent solution for simplified license administration across our product line, is now Available Whether you use one or more product packages, this integrated license module acts as a central hub for effectively managing licenses. A single download of this package will enable you to use the new module, which is available starting with version 23R1.

We are publishing the [KNCentralizedLicenseConsole] package in the instance.

  • New customers: The New Refactored [KNCentralizedLicenseConsole] package will be published in the client instance.
  • Existing Customers: Before Publishing the new License packages, All the existing product packages should be updated with new Packages which are compatible with the new licensing engine.
    • A Clean-up Script will be run to remove all existing License tables.
    • The new Refactored [KNCentralizedLicenseConsole] package will be published in the client instance.

To configure the [KNCentralizedLicenseConsole], you need to follow these steps.

  1. Save the .zip file of the [KNCentralizedLicenseConsole] package to the local hard drive.
  2. Click on the left panel in Acumatica and select [More Items].
  3. Click on [Customization], and you will be redirected to the Customization Projects screen.
Customization Projects console
Customization Projects
  • Click on [Import], and a pop-up will appear on the screen.
Customization Projects console byp
Customization Projects
  • Select the [KNCentralizedLicenseConsole] zip file from the local system and click on [Upload].
Upload the Zip File byp
Upload the Zip File
  • The file name will appear in the [Project Name] column.
  • Select the checkbox/row of the project [KNCentralizedLicense].
Click on Publish byp
Click on Publish
  • Click on [Publish]. 
Publish Customization console byp
Publish Customization
  • Click on [Close Compilation pane].
Customization Projects close
Customization Projects
  • You can view the Published [KNCentralizedLicense] in the Customization Projects Column.
  • You must Enable the check box.
Customization Projects check
Customization Projects
  • Click on [Save] to publish the [KNCentralizedLicense] package to the Acumatica instance.
  • Once the packages are published [Kensium license] will be available.
Kensium License byp
Kensium License