Click on [NON-STOCK COMPONENTS] in the Kit Specifications.
You need to check the [Customizable Kit] check box based on your business requirements
After selecting the KIT Inventory ID, a check box for Customizable Kit will appear on the screen.
By enabling the check box, you will get an option [Not to explode in API Sync] and [Price will be the Sum total of child components].
The checkbox is useful when the Magento Connector is connected to the Acumatica Connector and vice versa then the items will be automatically exploded in the sales order screen.
You need to click on the [+] sign, under stock components and you can add multiple stock items.
You need to enter the Component Qty. for each selected stock item.
The entered Component Qty. should be between the Minimum and maximum component Qty.
When the [Allow Component Qty. Variance] is enabled, the system will allow you to enter the Component Qty. only between Min. & Max. Component Qty.
If you enter the [Component Qty. value] greater than or less than the available Min & Max Component Qty., then the system will throw an error.
Error Details: (Component Qty. should be between Min & Max Qty.).
Click on [Save] to save the Kit Specification record.