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Kit Specifications
You need to search for [Kit Specifications] in Global search bar.
Stock Items
Click on [Kit Specifications] under [Profiles] then you will be navigated to Kit Specifications Screen.
Kit Specifications
You can create the Inventory ID or search from the existing options.
Click on [+] icon and add or search for Kit components.
Click on [Save].
Kit Specifications (1)
Syncing Kit Specifications to sales orders
You need to search for [Customer].
Click on [+] icon under [Details] and search for the created [Kit Specifications].
Click on [Line-Item Enhancement].
A pop- up will appear with [Add Enhancement] then search for [Inventory ID] from the options and click on [Select].
Kit Specifications(1)
Upon selecting the Inventory ID, a new line [kit Component ID] will appear on the screen with kit components.
Kit Specifications(2)
Select the [Kit Component ID] which you have created in Kit specifications.
Click on [Ok].
Kit Specifications(3)
The new line item will be added below the parent item with [Associated SKU ID].
New Line Item
The Selected Components items will be displayed under [Child Component of Kit Item].
Associated SKU & Child Component of Kit item