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Acumatica Schema Field

Acumatica Schema Field

Go get Acumatica Schema Field, you need to search for [Item Classes] in the Global search bar.

  • Click on [Item Classes] under [Preferences].
Item Classes
Item Classes
  • You will be redirected to an Item classes screen.
Item Classes Screen
Item Classes Screen
  • Click on [Attributes].
  • Click on [+] icon.
  • You need to search for the [Attribute ID] from the existing list of options.
  • You need to add the [Description] and then select the [Category] from the drop-down menu.

    • Attribute
    • Variant
Add the Attribute
Add the Attribute
  • Click on [Save].
  • You need to refresh the created Attributes in [Products] under [Schema Management].
Add the Attribute
Attributes in Product
  • You must enable the checkbox for the created [Attributes].
  • Click on [REFRESH SCHEMA].
  • Upon Refreshing it will reflect in [Product Custom Column Mapping].
  • You must map the created Attributes in SellerCloud Connector. Navigate to [SellerCloud Connector Connector] and click on [Product Custom Column Mapping].
  • You will be redirected to Product mapping screen.
  • Search for [Connector ID].
  • Click on [+] icon and add the created attributes.
  • Click on [Save].
Product Custom Columns mapping
Product Custom Columns mapping
  • Upon mapping the attributes in Acumatica and SellerCloud Connector you need to navigate to [Inventory] and click on [Template Items].

Template Items
Template Items

Click on + icon
Click on + icon

  • You will be redirected to [Template Items] screen, then click on [+] icon.
  • You need to create [Template ID], [Description], [Item Class], and [Country or Origin] in Template Items screen.
Template Items
Template Items
  • You need to navigate to the [Configuration] screen.
  • Click on [+] icon under [INVENTORY ID SEGMENT SETTINGS] and [DESCRIPTION SEGMENT SETTINGS] and Select Template ID from the drop-down menu.
  • Search for the created [Attribute ID].
Search for Attribute
Search for Attribute
  • You need to navigate to the [Item Creation] screen and enable the check boxes for [Attribute Value] to create combinations.
Enable the Checkbox
Enable the Checkbox
  • Click on [CREATE MATRIX ITEMS]. The Child Items will get created.
  • Click on [Confirmation].
Create Matrix items
Create Matrix items

You can view the child items in [MATRIX ITEMS].

Matrix items
Matrix items
  • You must enable the child items to SellerCloud Connector.
  • Click on the child item and the new screen will be auto populated.
Default Price
Default Price
  • Enter the price in [Default Price] and click on [Kensium Commerce].
  • You will be redirected to a new screen.
  • You must enable the check box for [Enable Kensium Commerce Framework] and then enable the check box for [Connector Type] and select the [product type] from the drop-down menu:

    • MAIN SKU
  • Click on [Save].
  • Similarly, you need to add [Default price] for the remaining two child’s items and map with Kensium Commerce.

Select the Product Type
Select the Product Type

2nd child item
2nd child item

3rd child item
3rd child item

  • You must configure this child’s items with parent item.
Enable the Check box for parent item
Enable the Check box for parent item
  • To activate the connector, navigate to Commerce Connector and click on [Template Items], then a new screen will appear click on [Process Messages] then a successful message will pop-up on the screen.
Processing Completed
Processing Completed
  • You need to navigate to [logs] screen and check for [Template Item] Sync.
Template Item Sync
Template Item Sync
  • Click on the INFO of Template Item Sync a new screen will pop-up with the child items.
Files Screen
Files Screen
  • Click on populated file you will be redirected to a new screen with Parent and child items.
Child items with Parent ID
Child items with Parent ID
  • To view the Child items in SellerCloud Connector follow the below screenshots.
  • You need to navigate to SellerCloud Connector and search for [Tdemo1].
search for parent item
search for parent item
  • Click on [TDEMO1].
Parent item
Parent item
  • Search for [variations] in the search bar
Search for variations
Search for variations
  • Search for Variations in [Catalog] and click on [Variations] a new screen will appear where you can see parent with child items.
Parent and child items
Parent and child items
  • If you want the Acumatica Schema field to be updated with Custom Mapping Field.
  • You need to get the [Custom mapping] Field from SellerCloud Connector.
  • Navigate to the SellerCloud Connector App.
seller cloud screen
  • Search for Test in the Global Search Bar and a new page will appear with all the Inventory, Catalog, Orders, and Purchase Orders.
Test page
Test page
  • Click on [TEST PROD] copy the [Vendor SKU] and paste it into the custom mapping field. So, when the product is synced, the template ID will update at the Vendor SKU Level.
Test Prod with Vendor SKU
Test Prod with Vendor SKU