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Product Type Mapping

Product Type Mapping

Product must be mapped to ensure that Product data is properly synced between Acumatica and SellerCloud Connector.

When you want to sync a new product, the initial request is that you map the product-to-Product Type Mapping.

Scenario-1 Enabling Product
  • To view the mapping of product type, you need to click on [Product Type Mappings] under configurations. Then you will be redirected to a new page.
  • You must search for the connector ID that is currently active.
  • Click on the [+] Icon.
  • You need to Toggle the [Is Mapped].
  • Search for [Acumatica Item Class] and [SellerCloud Connector Product Type Name].
Product Type Mapping
Product Type Mapping
Product Type Mapping
Product Type Mapping
  • If you are not able to view the [SellerCloud Connector Product Type Name].
  • You must redirect to the SellerCloud Connector website.
  • To do this, you must have credentials to log into SellerCloud Connector.
SellerCloud Connector Product Type with no records
SellerCloud Connector Product Type with no records
SellerCloud Connector Instance
SellerCloud Connector Instance
  • You need to search for [Product Types].
Pages Screen
Pages Screen
  • Click on [Search].
Manage Product Types
Manage Product Types
  • The names of all the companies will appear here. You need to include only these companies in the [SellerCloud Connector Product Type Name].
list Manage Product Types
Manage Product Types

Upon mapping you need to create a stock item to map the item class, for this You need to navigate to the left side panel of Acumatica and click on [Inventory] and select [Stock Items] under [Profiles].

Stock items in inventory
Stock items in inventory
  • You will be redirected to a new page with all the created Stock items.
  • You need to click on [+] icon to access stock item screen.
Stock Item Screen
All Stock items
Stock Item Screen
Stock Item Screen
  • You need to create a new [Inventory ID].
  • Select the Item status from the drop-down.
  • You can add the [Description].
  • Select the [Item class] from the existing option it should be same as product type mapping.
  • Select the [Country or Origin] from the existing options.
Item Class
Item Class
Price Cost

You need to add the [Default Price].

Price cost screen
Price/cost screen
Scenario-2 Enabling kit Specification.

You need to navigate to the left side panel of Acumatica and click on [Inventory] and select [Stock Items] under [Profiles].

  • You need to create child and parent items.
Inventory screen
Inventory screen
Child Item 1
Stock Item Screen child item
Stock Item Screen
  • You need to create a new [Inventory ID].
  • Select the Item status from the drop-down.

You can add the [Description].

  • Select the [Item class] from the existing option it should be same as product type mapping.
  • Select the [Country or Origin] from the existing options.
  • Click on [Kensium Commerce].
Parent item
Parent item
Price Cost

You need to add the [Default Price].

  • Click on [Save].
Price Cost
Child Item 2
Child item
Child item
Price Cost
Parent Item

You need to create a child item and enter the [Default Price] and enable the check box for [Is a Kit] and click on [Save].

Enable the is a kit
Enable the is a kit

Upon creating the Parent and child items you need to search for [Kit Specification] in Global search bar to associate the Parent and Child Items.

  • Click on [Kit Specifications] under [Profiles]
Kit Specifications
Kit Specifications
  • You need to Search for the existing parent item in [Kit Inventory ID].
  • Enter [Revision] number.
  • You need to add the [Description].
  • Click on [+] icon under Stock Components and search for child items in [Component ID] and add [Component QTY], [Min Component QTY],[Max Component QTY].
  • Enable the [Active] checkbox, thus the kit specification is created.
Kit Specifications
Kit Specifications
  • You need to navigate to [Stock Item] screen to enable the child’s items to SellerCloud Connector.
child’s items
  • Click on the [Inventory ID], You will be re-directed to stock items screen.

Stock Items
Stock Items

Price Cost

  • Enter the price in [Default Price] and click on [Kensium Commerce].