Batch Process in Acumatica
The batch process in Acumatica refers to sending bulk data from Acumatica to Magento. To access the Batch Processes, you need to click on the Magento Connector on the left panel of the screen and the Batch Process will appear.
The batch process includes the following:
- Metadata
- Product
- Sales Price
- Category
- Customer
- Sales Order
- Shipment
- Reprocess Failed Messages
Metadata: Upon clicking on the metadata, you will have an option to select the following.
- Item Class Data
- Product Attribute Data
- Customer Attribute Data
- Tax Category data
If you want to process bulk data between a selected date range, you must select the Metadata and the date range. By clicking on [Process All] you can process the data in a single go.
Products: Products will have a couple of filters by which you can fetch the data. If you choose Sync Data as Product Data, you will get the following checkboxes.
- Initialize Product Data including Quantity.
- Filter by dates
- Filter by Item Class
- Filter by SKU
- Text box to enter the SKU
- Filter by Sales Category
- Filter by Attributes
If you want to fetch the Product data with a date range, then enter the date range and click on Load. All the records during this period will be populated on your screen. The Start Date and the End Date can have a maximum difference of 15 days.
So, the number of records during this period will be processed to Magento in a single click if you click on [Process All].
Sales Price:
You can access the Sales Price from Magento Connector Batch Process Sales Price.
You can select the Sales Price Class ID and click on Process All. All the data will be processed in Magento.
Category: To access the Category under the Batch Process you must click on the Magento Connector on the left panel and click on the Category as shown in the following screen.
From the Batch Process screen select the date range and the range should be within 15 days. By clicking on [Process All] your Product Category data will be processed to Magento at a single click.
Customer: To access the customer batch process in Acumatica, click on the Magento Connector on the left panel and click on Customer under Batch Processes as shown below.
The Customer batch process screen will have multiple filters. You need to check at least one of the filters and then click on the [Load] button. You can use the following filters and click on Load.
- Filters By date (Checkbox)
- Filter by Customer Classes (Checkbox)
- Filter by Specific Customer (Checkbox)
After the data is populated, you can process it all at a time by using [Process All].
Sales Order: To access the Sales Order Batch Process in Acumatica, click on the Magento Connector on the left panel and click on Sales Order under Batch Processes as shown below.
Upon clicking on the Sales Order, you will be redirected to the following screen.
You need to choose Sync Data from the drop-down. You will have the following filters.
- Filter by Dates (Checkbox)
- Filter by Order Types (Checkbox)
- Filter by Order Status (Checkbox)
- Filter by Orders (Checkbox)/ Browse the Order details.
After choosing any of the filters you need to click on Load. The records will appear on the grid. Upon clicking on the [Process All] with a single click all the data will be synced to Magento Connector.
Shipment: To access the Shipment in Batch Process in Acumatica, click on the Magento Connector on the left panel and click on Shipment under Batch Processes as shown below.
You will have the following filters.
- Filter by Dates (Checkbox)
- Filter by Order Types (Checkbox)
- Filter by Shipment (Checkbox)/ Browse or Shipment (Textbox)
After choosing any of the filters you need to click on Load. The records will appear on the grid. Upon clicking on the [Process All] with a single click all the data will be synced to Magento Connector.
Reprocess Failed Orders: You can reprocess the failed orders from the Batch Processing option. The orders that failed to sync can be reprocessed in bulk at Batch Processing. To access this option, you need to click on the [Kensium Magento Connector] and click on [Reprocess Failed Messages] as shown in the following screen.
On the Reprocess Failed Messages screen, you will have a drop-down for the entity type. You need to select an entity and select the [From Date]. The sync failed records will be populated on the screen.
Upon clicking the [Process All] option all the failed sync records will be processed at a time.