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Orders in Acumatica and Sync with Magento

Orders in Acumatica and Sync with Magento

You can place an order within Acumatica and sync the same into Magento. You need to follow the steps as described below.

Step 1: Create the Order in Acumatica.

Order Creation in Acumatica
Order Creation in Acumatica

Step 2: Check the shipping mapping (A-M) from Magento.

Check the Shipping Mapping in Magento
Check the Shipping Mapping in Magento

Step 3. Go back to Shipping details in Acumatica Sales Order and select the shipment.

Select the Shipment
Select the Shipment

Step 4. Go to [Setup Parameters] to check [A-M Order Sync Preferences]. Any of the 3 conditions should match to sync the data.

A To M Order Sync Preferences
A To M Order Sync Preferences

Step 5. From payment check the unpaid balance amount. If it’s not 0.00 to satisfy the criteria create a payment record to change the unpaid balance to 0.00.

Step 6. To check the sync status, go to Reports -> Connector Log the following screen will appear.

Acumatica Connector Log
Acumatica Connector Log

Step 7. Go to Magento Connector Log to check the Order Sync Status.

Order Creation is Successful
Order Creation is Successful

Step 8: Click on [View] and go to the Order. You can view the Acumatica and Magento Order Number in the Order Screen.

Acumatica Order Number and Magento Order Number
Acumatica Order Number and Magento Order Number

Step 9. Go to Acumatica sales order to create the Shipment.

Create the Shipment
Create the Shipment

Step 10: Confirm the Shipment and Release the Invoice.

Click on Confirm Shipment
Click on Confirm Shipment

Step 11: Go to the Connector Log and it should be published unless you see any error. Shipment and invoices are created in Acumatica, however, the returns will take place in Magento.

Connector Log

Shipment Created in Magento
Shipment Created in Magento

Shipment Number against the Order Number
Shipment Number against the Order Number

Shipment Details Screen
Shipment Details Screen

Step 12: Now Release the Invoice. After you release the invoice, the trigger will take place from Acumatica.

Release the Invoice
Release the Invoice

Step 13: Go to the Magento connector log for the update.

Order Updated in Magento Connector
Order Updated in Magento Connector

Order View Details