Record Card Payment on Payments and Applications Screen
Create a Sales order by selecting Customer and inventory line item with quantity and price.
Sales Order Screen
Assign Sales order to Payments and application screen and click on Save ‘Orders to Apply’ tab. And Select New Card checkbox and click on Authorize CC Payment action.
Now, I perform Authorize in Braintree sandbox manually at Home.
Create [New Transaction].
Select the Customers and click [Amount].
Enter Credit Card Number, Expiry Date, CVV.
Transaction details on Braintree
Give all the details in the transaction like OrderID, Amount, Tax Amount and Address and by selecting ‘Submit for Settlement’ option and click on Click on [Create Transaction] button.
Transaction details on Braintree
Copy the generated Transaction details ID.
Navigate to created payment and Applications screen and click on [Record Card Payment] from action Fly out.
Record CC Payment in Payments and Applications Screen
Paste that in [Procc. center. Tran. Nbr] action at Payments and Applications screen and then the payment record will be captured automatically in Acumatica and Braintree.