Configuring BYP Preferences

Configuring BYP Preferences

We have added an option for [Build Your Products Preferences] under [Preferences].

Build Your Products window
Build Your Products window

This feature will allow you to set the product preferences for creating transactions. By clicking on this you will be redirected to the preferences screen. At the bottom of the Preferences column, you will get the option [Build Your Product Preferences].
Option for Build Your Product Preferences
Option for Build Your Product Preferences

The above option will redirect you to the page with the following details.

Tenant (Hub) Server Local Server
Receipt Reason Code Lookup BYPRECEIPTS
Issue Reason Code Lookup BYPISSUE
Adjustment Reason Code Lookup BYPADJUSTMENT
REPORT SETTINGS (based on the selection the following will be displayed on the Report)
Show Components on Sales Order Checkbox If a checked component on the sales order is shown.
Show Components on Shipment Confirmation Checkbox If the component on the shipment confirmation
Show Components on the Pick List Checkbox If checked then the components will be shown on the Pick List.
Show Components on Invoice Checkbox If checked, the components will be shown on the Invoice.
Product Preferences option
Product Preferences option