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Export Shipment Carrier Mapping

Export Shipment Carrier MappingCreating Order in SellerCloud Connector

In the SellerCloud Connector instance click on [Orders] and select [Create New Order].

In the [CUSTOMER COLUMN] Provide the below details

  • Email
  • First Name
  • Last Name


  • Select the Channel
  • Select Channel Order id from drop-down.
Create New Order
Create New Order
  • Upon selecting all the details click on [>] icon.
Click on
Click on
  • You will be redirected to a new screen.
  • Click on [ADD PRODUCTS].
Order Screen
Order Screen
  • Search for the Product.
Seach for the product
Seach for the product
  • You can see a new screen with SKU, PRODUCT, RETAIL PRICE, SITE COST, AVAIL QTY, QTY.
  • Enter the [QTY].
  • Click on [ADD SELECTED].
Add Qty
Add Qty
  • You will be redirected to the new screen with [Running Totals] click on [>].
Running Totals
Running Totals
  • You will be redirected to the new screen add the [Shipping Details].
  • Carrier from the drop-down menu
  • Method from the drop-down menu
Shipping Details
Shipping Details
  • To sync the selected Carrier and Method details must be same as the carrier mapping details in Acumatica.
Carrier Mapping Screen in Acumatica
Carrier Mapping Screen in Acumatica
Shipping Detail
Shipping Details
  • Upon adding the details click on [>], and you will be redirected to the next screen.
  • You must enable the [Same as Shipping] and click on [Flag].
Shipping Details3
Shipping Details
  • You will be in the screen click on [PROCEED TO PAYMENT].
Proceed Payment
Proceed Payment
  • You need to select the [Operation Type] from the drop-down menu.
Payment Details
Payment Details
  • Enter the [Cheque Number] under [CHECK INFO].
Payment Details1
Payment Details
  • Click on [RECEIVE CHECK].
Payment Details2
Payment Details
  • Upon receiving the payment, the [Order Number] will get generated #7168943.
Order No Generated
Order No Generated

You need to navigate to [SellerCloud Connector] in Acumatica and click on [Receipts] under [Transactions] and you will land in a new screen.

  • Click on [+] icon.
  • Select [Inventory ID].
  • Enter the [Quantity].
  • Click on [Save] and then click on [Remove].
Remove Hold
Remove Hold
  • Click on [Release] it will release the [Reference Nbr.]
The operation has Completed
The operation has Completed