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Product Custom Column Mapping

Product Custom Column Mapping

Product custom column mapping is used to map Acumatica Attributes to SellerCloud Connector Custom columns.

If you wish to sync specific data from Acumatica to a separate custom field that you created in SellerCloud Connector, you can use this mapping option, and the data will be updated depending on the mapping.

Scenario-1 Enabling Product
  • If the attributes are not assigned to the item class, then assign the attribute to the item class follow the below steps to create Item Class.
Attribute Screen
Attribute Screen
  • You need to navigate to the [GENERAL] and click on the Pencil icon in the item class.
Add the Attribute
Add the Attribute
  • Click on [+] icon and add the attributes and click on [Save].
  • To assign the attribute You need to [save] stock item screen.
Item Classes
Item Classes
  • You can select the [Value] of the attribute from the drop-down and save the product.
Attribute Screen
Attribute Screen.

The product was not set up for SellerCloud Connector; to sync the data, you need to click on [Kensium Commerce] then a new screen will appear with connector.

  • Toggle the checkbox then the [Site configuration] will display.
  • You can select the product type from the drop-down menu:

    • MAIN SKU
  • You need to click on the [Save].
Site Configuration
Site Configuration
  • To access product custom column mapping, you need to click on [Product custom column Mapping] under [Configurations]. Then you will be redirected to a new page.
  • This relates to the mapping of attributes.
  • You must search for the [connector ID].
  • Click on [Initialize columns], then a pop-up will appear, where you need to enter [Product ID] to fetch the custom column mapping.
  • You need to enter [Ref SKU for Product C], this should match with SellerCloud Connector.
  • This allows you to Fetch the customized column mapping.
Add custom Column
Add custom Column
  • Click on [OK].

To make properties visible in a custom column. The attribute needs to be enabled by schema management.

  • Upon Refreshing the Schema, you will be able to view option and feature.

Product Schema Management
Product Schema Management

Product screen in Schema Management
Product screen in Schema Management

Attributes in Product
Attributes in Product
  • You can view the connected connector in the [logs] under [Reports].
Connector connected in logs
Connector connected in logs
  • The DEMO1 is pushed or synced into SellerCloud Connector.
  • To view the DEMO1 in SellerCloud Connector follow the below screenshots.
SellerCloud Connector instance
SellerCloud Connector instance
DEMO1 Synced in SellerCloud Connector
DEMO1 Synced in SellerCloud Connector
  • The chosen company name, attribute, and type, along with the configured Connector ID, will sync to the SellerCloud Connector.

DEMO1 Synced in Seller Cloud Connector
DEMO1 Synced in SellerCloud Connector

DEMO1 Synced in Seller Cloud connector
DEMO1 Synced in SellerCloud Connector

Scenario-2 Enabling Kit Specification

The Quantity must be added, you need to search for [Receipts] in the Global search bar.

  • Click on the [Receipts] under transactions.
Receipts Screen
Receipts Screen
  • You will be redirected to a new screen with all the generated receipt, click on [+] icon.
Receipts Screen
Receipts Screen
  • You will be redirected to a new screen, click on the [+] icon and search for the existing [Inventory ID].
Select Inventory ID
Select Inventory ID
  • Search You need to search for the [warehouse] and [Location].
Select Warehouse
Select Warehouse
  • You need to enter the [Quantity], [Unit Cost], [Ext Cost] and click on [REMOVE HOLD].
Remove Hold
Remove Hold
  • Click on [Release Hold] and you will get a pop-up that [The operation has completed].

Release Hold
Release Hold

The operation has completed
The operation has completed

  • You can view the connected connector in the [logs] under [Reports].
Quantity synced in logs
Quantity synced in logs
  • The Inventory is pushed or synced into SellerCloud Connector.
  • You can view inventory in SellerCloud Connector.
Inventory in SellerCloud Connector
Inventory in SellerCloud Connector
  • You will be redirected to a new screen.
Select Product Type
Select Product Type
  • You must enable the check box for [Enable Kensium Commerce Framework] and then enable the check box for [Connector Type] and select the [product type] from the drop-down menu:

    • MAIN SKU
  • Click on [Save].
  • Similarly, you need to add [Default price] for the remaining child’s items and map with Kensium Commerce.
  • You need to navigate to the [Inventory] and click [Receipts] under [Transactions].
  • Click on [+] icon.
  • Click on [+] icon under [Details] and search for the created child items in [Inventory ID].
  • Enter the [Quantity].
  • Click on [Save].
  • Click on [Remove Hold].
Remove Hold
Remove Hold
  • Upon on clicking [Remove Hold] the [Reference Nbr.] will appear.
Release Hold
Release Hold
  • You need to navigate to [Stock item] and enable the parent item to [Kensium Commerce].
Stock Items
Stock Items
  • You must enable the check box for [Enable Kensium Commerce Framework] and then enable the check box for [Connector Type] and select the [product type] from the drop-down menu:

    • MAIN SKU
  • You must enable the [Active] check box and click on [Save].
Parent Item
Parent Item
  • To activate the connector, navigate to Commerce Connector and click on [Kit Items], then a new will appear click on [Process Message] then a successful message will pop-up on the screen.
Kit Items
Kit Items
Kit items processed
Kit items

You need to navigate to [logs] screen and check for [Kit Item] Sync.

  • Click on the INFO of Kit Product Sync a new screen will pop-up with the child items.
  • Click on populated file you will be redirected to a new screen with Parent and child items.
Child items with Parent ID
Child items with Parent ID
  • To view the Child items in SellerCloud Connector follow the below screenshots.
  • You need to navigate to SellerCloud Connector and search for parent item [KITP-23].
Seach for Kit
Seach for Kit
  • Search for kit in [Catalog] and click on [Kit] a new screen will appear where you can see parent with child items.
Parent and child items
Parent and child items