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Rollup Example

Rollup Example

A example scenario can illustrate how rollup transactions can be created given common rollup settings.

The transactions in this example are simplified to illustrate the rollup logic. Real-world transactions contain more fields, and rollup transactions will typically summarize dozens – if not hundreds – of individual register transactions.

a) Example Settings

Assume the following settings:

  • Filters: Marketing Customers
  • Group By: no options selected (use default grouping of payment method, store and tax schedule)
  • Limit: Transaction Age of 1 day
b) Example Register Transactions
Transaction # 100
ID Date Customer Cust Type Payment Store
100 May 1 1:20 PM 1000 Marketing CASH STORE1
# SKU Lot Unit Price Qty Ext Price UOM
1 FOOD1 $1.50 2 $3.00 EACH
2 FOOD2 $2.00 1 $2.00 EACH
3 FOOD3 123 $1.00 1 $1.00 EACH
Transaction # 101
ID Date Customer Cust Type Payment Store
101 May 1 5:30 PM 9001 Marketing CASH STORE1
# SKU Lot Unit Price Qty Ext Price UOM
1 FOOD1 $1.50 1 $1.50 EACH
2 FOOD1 $5.00 1 $5.00 CASE
3 FOOD3 123 $1.00 1 $1.00 EACH
4 FOOD3 546 $1.00 1 $1.00 EACH
Transaction # 200
ID Date Customer Cust Type Payment Store
202 May 1 4:18 PM 9005 Marketing VISA STORE2
# SKU Lot Unit Price Qty Ext Price UOM
1 FOOD1 $1.50 2 $3.00 EACH
Transaction # 103
ID Date Customer Cust Type Payment Store
103 May 1 6:30 PM 9017 Accounting CASH STORE1
# SKU Lot Unit Price Qty Ext Price UOM
1 FOOD3 123 $1.00 1 $1.00 EACH
Transaction # 104
ID Date Customer Cust Type Payment Store
104 May 1 7:15 PM 9001 Marketing CASH STORE1
# SKU Lot Unit Price Qty Ext Price UOM
1 FOOD1 $1.50 1 $1.50 EACH
Transaction # 105
ID Date Customer Cust Type Payment Store
105 May 2 10:15 AM 9001 Marketing CASH STORE1
# SKU Lot Unit Price Qty Ext Price UOM
1 FOOD2 $1.00 1 $1.00 EACH
c) ASI Transactions

From the above examples, the rollup task ignores Transaction 103 because it was created for an accounting customer. The Kensium ASI will process the transaction instead, and send it directly to the ERP.

d) Resulting Rollup Transactions

In total, the rollup task will create three rollup transactions from the example source transactions that are defined above.

Rollup # 1
ID Date Payment Store
1 May 1 7:15 PM CASH STORE1
# SKU Lot Unit Price Qty Ext Price UOM References
1 FOOD1 $1.50 4 $6.00 EACH 100-1, 101-1, 104-1
2 FOOD2 $2.00 1 $2.00 EACH 100-2
3 FOOD3 123 $1.00 2 $2.00 EACH 100-3, 101-3
4 FOOD1 $5.00 1 $5.00 CASE 101-2
5 FOOD3 546 $1.00 1 $1.00 EACH 101-4

This rollup transaction can summarize multiple transactions because the group by criteria are the same (e.g. payment method and store) and the time period limit is the same.

Note how individual line items are merged. In our example, the distinct combination of SKU, lot number and UOM each require their own line item.

Rollup # 2
ID Date Payment Store
2 May 1 4:18 PM VISA STORE2
# SKU Lot Unit Price Qty Ext Price UOM References
1 FOOD1 $1.50 2 $3.00 EACH 200-1

While the source transaction #200 falls on the same time period (limit) as the other transactions, a separate rollup must be created because of the following group by criteria are different for this transaction:

  • Payment method is different
  • Store is different
Rollup # 3
ID Date Payment Store
1 May 2 10:15 AM CASH STORE1
# SKU Lot Unit Price Qty Ext Price UOM References
1 FOOD2 $1.00 1 $1.00 EACH 105-1

While the grouping criteria for transaction # 105 matches several other transactions, the rollup task would send Rollup #1 to the ERP because the time period limit of 1 day has been reached. Transaction #105 is recorded in a new rollup transaction.