Reset Stats Task
The Kensium.XMS.Purchases.Tasks.ResetStatsBackgroundTask task is run by the Purchases feature to reset customers’ monthly and yearly to-date statistic fields.
The monthly values that are reset are:
- Loyalty points redeemed -the amount of loyalty points that were redeemed during a monthly period, which are typically limited by a customer’s membership level.
- Envoy points redeemed – the amount of envoy points that were redeemed during a monthly period.
The annual values are based on the one year anniversary (rounded to month end) that the customer first joined the membership program:
- Amount purchased during the year. This may affect the customer’s membership level standing.
- Amount of loyalty points redeemed during the year
- Amount of envoy points redeemed during the year
This task is set to run at the start of every month. Do not change this value, unless you want to adjust the time-of-day when the task is run. Any other changes may result in incorrect reset of the statistics collected above.