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Version 5.2.5

Version 5.2.5

Release notes now include new features and bug fixes for all POS components. These components include:

  • Kensium Register
  • Sage Loyalty Package
Bug Fixes / Critical Improvements

674 Register – API integrator changed from Kensium to something called MyTestApp

  • The name of the application is changed when the register calls the avalara API. “KensiumRetailSolution_Register_version” is now used.

677 Register – Pay with a personal GC – CreatePayment_CATCH: One or more errors occurred

  • Fixed issue with handling of error messages sent by XMS.

659 Loyalty package – Pay with a gift card / error Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: S. Path ‘’, line 0, position 0

  • Fixed issue with handling of error messages sent by XMS.