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Version 5.2.6

Version 5.2.6

Release notes now include new features and bug fixes for all POS components. These components include:

  • Kensium Register
  • POS Server
  • Loyalty App
a) New Features

916 POS Server – Setup Guide – introduce Standalone vs POS options, make AWS optional

  • The “Tenant Feature Setup” step in the Setup Guide has been modified to request the “Recipe” to run to initialize/update the tenant.
  • The user must choose the recipe which best describes how the tenant should be configured.
  • We have added several options to make it easier to configure “stand-alone” servers – that is:
    • Servers that do not need to be integrated with the POS tables.
    • As POS Server does not modify the POS tables, the installer has more flexibility when deploying POS Server – they don’t have to ensure that the same version is installed at each store, corp and cloud location.
    • This Stand-alone mode is suitable for payment integration or tax services at stores, or Gift Card service in the cloud or at corporate (assuming no digital/member cards are enabled).
  • The Tenant Feature Setup step will remember the last recipe that was chosen, and will pre-select the recipe the next time it is run.
    • If you choose POS integration at any time – or are upgrading an installation which has already enabled POS integration – POS Server may run migrations that update POS tables.
    • If this happens, choosing a Standalone recipe will not remove the POS table changes – you will need to ensure that POS Server is installed at each location (and maintained with the same version).
  • The currently available recipes are:
    • Store
      • Gift Cards – physical and external gift card server only. Stand-alone.
      • Gift & Loyalty – integrated with POS tables.
      • Order Pad – integrated with POS tables.
    • Corporate
      • POS Integrated
      • Standalone
    • Cloud
      • POS Integrated
      • Standalone
    b) Bug Fixes / Critical Improvements

    539 POS Server – Rollup should increment existing line item quantities (not always create new lines)

    • A validation is included in the Build Rollup process to update the rollupItems.

    711 ASI ACU – Posting process is taking 22-23 seconds in order to post one transaction

    • The code was customized when creating orders for Cherry Republic, features were reverted.

    877 ASI ACU – The branch listed on each line in Acumatica is incorrect

    • A new option Use By Item Line Details has been added to the ‘Data Sync’ tab. When enabled, the line details from the orders can have different branches.

    894 Kensium Register – Critical Error Message after pay a transaction with their cellphone

    • Increase the size of the IssuerAppData field using DBPatch.patch.

    898 Loyalty App – Design Differs From Mockup Approved

    • Made adjustments to app colors and images for Self Serve Lumber client approved design.

    899 POS Server – Loyalty App – Design Differs From Mockup Approved

    • Fix account page fields to display correctly.

    517 ASI ACU – Data Downsync – Input String was not in a correct format error

    • The error originated because there was incorrect data in the customer information